error message with code 0xc000007b

Written By Unknown on Saturday, June 16, 2012 | 11:14 PM

Error message appears with the code (0xc000007b) when running the application?
or the full message like this :

‘The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application’
Do not worry about these problems because there is a solution, and it can be done easily.
follow these steps:

  1. Download the 0xc000007b Repair Tool
"This is a free download - You'll see a new window pop-up for confirmation."
  1. Click "Save File" and follow the simple installation instructions.
  2. Scan your computer with the Regcure application.
  3. Click the "Fix Errors" button to repair 0xc000007b. 
jika aplikasi sudah di download, Install aplikasi tersebut,
ikuti langkah berikut :
1. Klik Next

2. License Agreement = Klik I Agree

3. Choose Component = Klik Next

4. Choose Install Location = Klik Next

5.  Precess Installing

6. Installation Complete = Klik Finish

7. Scanning process
 if the scan is complete, then click fix all to clear error

If the link above is not applicable, please use the following download link:


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